Hora Hidden

where have you hidden, Persephone?

I hunted you

among the frozen

fronds of vernal fog

caught nary a glimpse

of your diaphanous flowering.

were you gowned in sophistry

teaching artifice to nubile acolytes

while old Boreas

stole your thunder

and you frolicked fur-clad

among the April snows?

or were you bullied into submission

grumpy overbearing blizzards

biting blue your tender skin

while you surreptitiously coaxed

timid fragile shoots

with chilled tears of impotence?

belated, you loosed your bonds

I felt your restless sighs

late one night as frost

cracked open, relinquishing

its hoary death grip

I whet my whistle in your tendrils

wrote a lilting ballad

so as to serenade

your zephyred dance


to find you gone.

where fled you, Thallo?

did you forsake your quenching reign

shrug off your leafing

wilted in abeyance

surrender your ascendance

to Damia’s wanton warmth?

or were you beguiled

with kiss-heated whispers

soaking your brow

as your rains are wont

while your cooling fingertips

traced a languid farewell?

my cheek chilled

just a moment

under your ultimate stroking


that t there

yep, I crossed it

those i’s

all duly dotted

sticky notes paper my desk

reminders scrawled

in inks of many colors

attention grabbing hues

I list like a realtor of to-dos

my calendar chimes

who what where and when.

I have a head for details

the memory of an elephant

and keep going and going and going

Energizer bunny

in gym shoes with my skirt

the better to keep on runnin.’

more competent than most

I know what I know

suffer few fools

speak my mind with authority

until my OCD

does a dirty tango

with principal-office fear

I was never called

and I am wearing ill-fitting plaid

eyes downcast, shuffling

catapulted through decades

to Catholic school girl


Nothing Catty on this Roof

we are a scrappy pair

we two

as we scratch and claw our way

from under this dung heap

into which society

shat us out.

you shred skin

as you shed convention

laboriously hefting

lifting you

from beneath the shadows.

I reinvent myself

rewriting the future

on the blunted nib

of frenetically wielded quill

revising me

into a long cool

draft of summer breeze.

we scrabble together a moment

amongst the endless scramble

a breath, a bite, a word.

deadlines loom

thunderheads gloom

your steadfast grip

lifting me

trembling rooftop helpmate

barefoot hammering

racing the clock

while a storm rolls in.

you find me cheeky

up here

skittish and determined

give an appreciative wink

at my disheveled skirted squat.

we giggle at hot footed dance

you secure my safe descent

lifting us

beyond the hectic humdrum

and I tuck this moment

sweaty and dusty

with my windblown locks

behind my ear

where I will hold it


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Coming soon: Sudden Denouement Anthology Volume I

Get ready….. it’s an amazing compilation!

Sudden Denouement Publishing

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“One of the delights of this collection is the sheer diversity of voices, unconstrained, with differing syntax, forms, loss of form, deliberate omissions and styles, one moment you are reading a condensed prose-poem about the origin of life, the next a confessional bleeding rip from the heart about love and drugs. Nowhere else in modern collections have I found such a mélange of tongues, all begging questions, responses, emotions, some disgust, horror, desire. Volume 1 is a true kaleidoscope of the human experience, doused in realism and the phantasmagoric with absolutely no brake fluid.”                                                             Candice Daquin, Pinch the lock

The editors of the Sudden Denouement Literary Collective are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of the first Sudden Denouement Anthology! The…

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Forward Ho!

it is rather herding cats

this marshalling of my forces

from among their separate spinning

manic super collider orbits

where meltdowns

\dripping uranium (or wax)\

feel the lesser mount.

they scratch and hiss

these feral festerings of the past

shabby black- tabby

pets of my much touted


I have no bags in which to drown them

\all my rivers have run dry\

so I give frenzied chase

and they scatter as I scramble

to gather them together

these mistresses d’ fate.

I have fur balls in my coiffure

with catnip accoutrements

\harried housewifely ‘do\

and my fever is ballooning

as crises are wont to do.

but I need them on my journey

\these testaments in tattered fur\

so I cajole, corral and conquer

snarling cougar to prancing puss

and onward, shambles,

we meander

all my lives

and I