Pineapple Pending

your arrival draws nigh, sweet xanthous crush, heralded in hearth and home

in tandem with summer’s solstice – dancing harbinger of plenty – which celebrates

anew, the burgeoning miracles, of mothers universal and personal,

your maturation emblematic of honored fertility rites.

I feel ancient druidic urges pulsing in collective maternal consciousness

redolent of lavender and verbena, beaming in the brilliant blooms

that we weave into flowered crowns

for ourselves and our much anticipated progeny.

bursting sweet amongst us, fresh to the world

you refresh tired or angsting souls

brimming with nectar, vim, vigor and vitality

I am reminded of love for all humanity.

warming to the world, as you will

you attune to your everlasting suns

radiating love and comfort, forging familial bonds

in joining, lives are lusciously juiced, as pineapples do.


you have

a held – breath


over all

my lobes –


and cranial

I taste

your future


in May’s



whisper -soft

cheek grazing




as sleep


full body



as you


(half tornadic)




I have


these images

silver tinted

sepia toned


the melodydrop

to all




Melon Perspectives- NaPoWriMo Day 24

I remember the days

of cantaloupe disdain

the subtly orange flesh

hidden within rough rind

the challenge of cutting

is the knife sharp enough?

the hazards of a roll

or a slippery skip

melon balls seemed pretentious

an artform designed

for luncheon hosting ladies

with excessive time, anxious

and crystal bowls galore

silver melon balling scoop

while rough hewn wedges

are cookout relegated

I cannot quite place the moment

the initial acknowledgement

of gustatory potential

in the subtly sweet

juicy crunch

while avoiding the

chin drip

napkin at the ready

the flavor evades

easy categorization

less a sensational standout

than a comforting backdrop

a hint of summer soothing

without ice cream guilt


to multiple pairings

to imagine you

as a cantaloupe

littlest melon

is incongruous

 having grabbed my attention

riveted all my senses

in definitively

uncantaloupian fashion

Coconut – An Index Poem- NaPoWriMo Day 27

palm tree of the genus Cocos; ubiquitous

in tropical locales; name origin –

Portuguese, for head or skull; domesticated

in Southeast Asian Islands – Neolithic;

icon of vacation decadence – sipping chilled froth

in a shell, pineapple bedecked; oil-

for frying with a hint of sweetness;

milk, used in curries or as dairy

substitute; will you be a foodie

like your uncles?; water – for hydration

and natural source of electrolytes;

in soaps and cosmetics, for softest skin;

in sunscreen and now I smell like

the beach; reminiscent of a ghost

or witch, in folklore; falling from

trees – cartoon reference;  oh, the

stories we will tell;  silly

rambunctiousness (slang); how soon

will you drive mommy and daddy

coconuts?; using one’s head (expression);

I am certain you will use yours; flaked, blended

in caramel frosting for German chocolate

cake – deliciousness!;  perfect for

little fingers to swipe while baker’s

head is turned; size comparison

for the 31st gestational week;

and I picture all the ways we

will coconut together