

do leaves mourn their neighbors
as passions flame out?
pine o’er skeletal plummet
scarlet breathes last to rust
crumbled to prickly dust

or do they celebrate leafy passings?
dance a fluttering jig
as they scuttle limb
flutter earthward fancy
meet crunching destiny

I hear matrilineal whispers
rising amongst wooded footfalls
each rustle communes 
‘twixt my soul and revenants’

do autumnal spirits howl
as harvest shrivels to husks?
bay as mooning coyotes
writhe anguished in fields
barren, stripped of yield 

or mark they these endings
in ecstatic ululations?
cavort, wild and free
circle ends with begins
lament not the cyclic spin

my foremothers caress
hollows of my provenance
brisk autumn breezing
‘tween now and yesteryears

Drips of Herstory

what say you? vines of my past

did you suckle the honey

from my kin

as they buzzed past you


to how you rooted your scent

deep in my veins, the summer yellow

of childhood abandon

                                                                                                                                          I was dropped from a black hole

part hurt fledgling – wild thing

bird of swift wing

part hothouse flower – wilting

salt crystalized in Death Valley

I am square peg in round hole

oft too dense of emotion

I vision my foremothers

stern and stout skirted

breaking ground and convention

setting down roots

of farm and family

twining their dreams

with my memories, sepia’d

                                I fit not well in the world, betimes

my spitfire tenacity ruffles

too many feathers while

my soft underbelly

is ripped raw from the teeth

of daily indignities

could they vision me?

those stalwart matriarchs

perseverance personified

who faltered not

from motherland to new world.

I trace our bloodlines

in the scars on my psyche

in moments, I imagine myself


 as an overly plump raindrop

plunking cold and abrupt

on a spring sunned bosom

joined apace in feigned ennui

perhaps we are all cicadas

screaming at seventeen years


cramming all the living we can

into each moment amongst the leaves

we shed our shells

in search of beauty

gather independence

cling to the trunks of our past

securing center

and soar

 with our kin

Introvert in Red

there is a snort wrapped in your chortle

devaluing scoff of disbelief

prickling through trappings of merriment

find humor at my blush-ed expense


you heave invalidating skepticism

splashes of frigid indigo

ice my vulnerable disclosure

impromptu orchid proffering


you have colored me strident scarlet

as I retreat not from weighty debate

and stand toe to toe with any challenge

in my hollow of hallowed ground


I carry off vermillion verisimilitude

in tones more assured than dulcet

take the measure of men of stature

shrink violet from no deliberation


my soul is lilting lavender

clad as a rubied warrior

wilts exhausted in social commerce

blooms fragrant is solitude’s sun


you vision me caricatured cerise

pushing envelopes and limits

while I crave the blessed relief

of a meadowed azure retreat

Mood, Moonlit

I sowed the seeds of my own destruction

coated in the guise of a mother tongue

while the drizzle of doom

soft and silent



/my sibilant sis/


I ate from the cap of the amanita

scarlet brooding senorita

swooned to the tune

of a glass-looked fall

spat the spores

/blood admonition/


I dabbled in a dab of diablerie

swaddled as I was with faux coterie

dawdled long among tip-toed tulips

placed dibs on the crux of wizardry


I raise my glass

chipped, half-empty

toast with the devil

/wed moonlight/

Fall of the Fallen

I crunch

on the swath

of crisp cool air

that cuts

chilled and invigorating

through the swamp of my despair.


dust of leaves

coat my tongue

as I masticate

crow pie

long past

it’s sell-by date


I spit



the oak floating



humid cling of miasma

is not the haven

it self-proclaims


you were pushed from behind


I heard in the breathless notch

in your measured words

that catch

in your voice

the tremulous quaver

in your understated stand


I have felt those hands

(haven’t we all)

one knife-wielding

– in word or deed –

while the other lays claim

with eyes or clammy paws

to my plush backside

you are the embodiment

of cultured terror apparent

the carbon dated anguish

etched on your skin

your pain quivers

on articulated tips

of your educated tongue


I jump sky high

elbow cocked in self- defense

it fades yet never ebbs

that stretched rubber band

that inhabits cells

twangs unbidden

and we sproing!

he tantrums

spews vile rhetoric

wields his power

his privilege

in ways she would burn

at stake

were she dare give voice

were she to cry crododile

her ovaries would fry

ahhh those tantrums

we choke down

swallow hot with rancid bile

those that would label

rabid bitch

raving psycho


because well behaved women

may bare our ankles

here in 2018

shoulders even (Oh my!)

but we step NOT

upon the tender toes

of fragile male privilege

under pain of recompense


How Low Can You Go?

you gather your henchmen

close and closer


whose quals consist

\in whole and part\

of oft-shriveled

deified appendages

and an omnipresent

aptitude for grating



you flaunt

your petulant pedigree

while maggots squirm

on the flyleaf

pearling slime

on the stained

glass aperture

to your fears


I neither sway

nor hold self-same


as I am

thankless workhorse

\inflamed appendix\

held in abeyance


bend my back

with toil and trouble

work nimble fingers

to aching bones.

I break not

dear sir

limbo me not

to the lowest

of your lows

To Lie in Wait

does anyone know how

to wait anymore?

in this world of constant contact

buzzing chiming hyper


what happens if you sit

in silence?

alone with the thud of your blood

\thundering in your veins\

and the whisper

of your inner descant


a cacophonous harangue?

nay, you say

I run not from the fear

my flaming inner ear

as I suckle at the singing

\pinging ringing\

electronic sugar teat.


this generation who believes

navel gazing

is a search for pierc-ed bling

an alt-indie band

or a porn-spawned

sexual fetish

they might just give a try,


\buzz on the back of a flea\

at the barest nod

to hush-ed introspection

heed not those

tongues of babel loosed.


what inner demons?






Under Construction


I built them myself

these walls

that circumscribe me

\hem my hagridden heart\

‘round me

safe and alone

bricked with mortal mortar

\angst echo chamber\

impervious to pounding pestle.

fingertips mangle

in the raucous


to breach

a bloody gap.


I just wish I hadn’t

scrawled such grotesque
